凡亿专栏 | 触感触控方案原厂电容式触摸IC触控ICVK3610I芯片规格书

VK3610I具有10个触摸按键,可用来检测外部触摸按键上人手的触摸动作。该芯片具有较 高的集成度,仅需极少的外部组件便可实现触摸按键的检测。 提供了I2C输出功能,1个INT中断输出脚,单键输出,有效键对应数据位置1。芯片内部 采用特殊的集成电路,具有高电源电压抑制比,可减少按键检测错误的发生,此特性保证在不 利环境条件的应用中芯片仍具有很高的可靠性。 此触摸芯片具有自动校准功能,低待机电流,抗电压波动等特性,为各种触摸按键+I2C输 出的应用提供了一种简单而又有效的实现方法。M88+30



• 工作电压 2.4-5.5V • 待机电流9uA/3.0V • 上电复位功能(POR) • 低压复位功能(LVR) • 触摸输出响应时间:工作模式 48mS ,待机模式160mS • 单键输出,有效键对应数据位置1 • I2C输出+INT中断脚 • 防呆功能,有效键最长输出时间:10S • 无键触摸4S进入待机模式 • 通过CS脚接对地电容调节整体灵敏度(1-47nF) • 各触摸通道单独接对地小电容微调灵敏度(0-50pF). • 上电0.3S内为稳定时间,禁止触摸 • 上电后4S内自校准周期为64mS,4S无触摸后自校准周期为1S • 抗电压波动,抗干扰性能好 • 封装 SOP16(150mil)(9.9mm x 3.9mm PP=1.27mm)sd






VK3610I is a touch pad detector IC which offers 10 touch key,It can detect human body contact using external touch pads. . The high level of device integration enable applications to be implemented with a minimum number of external components. It provides I2C output,1 INT interrupt output pin. Special internal circuitry is also employed to ensure excellent power noise rejection to reduce the possibility of false detections, increasing the touch switch application reliability under adverse environmental conditions.。 With auto-calibration, low standby current, excellent resistance to voltage fluctuation and other features, this range of touch key devices provide a simple and effective means of implementing 10 touch key + IO operation in a wide variety of applications 

• Operating voltage: 2.4-5.5V • Standby current: 9uA/3.0V • Power-On Reset(POR) • Low Voltage Reset(LVR) • Key Response Time:Normal Mode 48mS ,Standby Mode 160mS • Single key output • I2C output+INT interrupt pin • Maximum key on duration time 10S • No touch 4S to enter standby mode • Sensitivity adjustment using an external capacitor(1-47nF)on CS pin • Add a capacitor(0-50pF) to a touch key pin can fine tune the sensitivity for single key • After power-on have about 0.25S stable-time, during the time do not touch the key . • Anti-voltage fluctuation,High anti-interference • Package SOP16(150mil)(9.9mm x 3.9mm PP=1.27mm)

